Thursday, January 31, 2019

Cari Judul Blog


Masih bingung mau cari judul apa buat blog, soalnya kebanyakan udah di tulis disini sama ibuk .
Targetnya diupdate yang ga ditulis sama blog diatas, semoga ketemu judulnya amiin.


Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Setup Bridge On Ubuntu

Hello Kids,

This time I want to share about Bridge, bridge is like a real bridge that connect two river. In this case we want to connect our virtual machine inside your server into real word as a real connection using your real device like eth0 or eth1.

First you have to install bridge utility
sudo apt-get install bridge-utils

I suggest you to install it on localhost/ local server terminal because you have to disable eth0 network and redirect it to your bridge, so after bridge have been setup you could connect ssh via bridge.

brctl addbr br0

this command to add bridge, you could check your bridge using ip link, these command show your device list

brctl addif br0 eth0

this command to add interface in your bridge, so eth1 bridged to br0. 

edit network config in /etc/networking/interfaces 

auto br0
iface br0 inet dhcp
        bridge_ports eth0
        bridge_stp off
        bridge_fd 0
        bridge_maxwait 0
# br1 setup with static wan IPv4 with ISP router as gateway
auto br1
iface br1 inet static
        bridge_ports eth1
        bridge_stp off
        bridge_fd 0
        bridge_maxwait 0
and dont forget to restart networking, systemctl restart

tips : 
you could restart interface using : ip link set dev eth0 up/down equal to ifconfig eth0 down/up

Your Dad,

Update Bios Intel Server Board

Hello Kids,

Today i want to share about update bios on intel server board, first note it should be update offline using USB disk. The USB disk should be in fat32 or fat64 format.

This time we use EFI shell, EFI shell is shell in your bios, it could be accessed from your bios > boot manager > EFI shell.

Before that you should prepare your USB disk with the firmware upgrade using EFI. You could download it here. extract it and copy to you USB disk.

Once you entered EFI Shell, you could check where the USB disk reside using map -r command. usually it detect as fs1.

Change to fs1 directory >> fs: | check your directory >> dir | and run Startup.nsh

Voila your firmware has been updated.

After that  you could update FRU and SDR .Field Replacement Unit (FRU) to choose chipset if you buy using specific vendor and Sensor Data Record (SDR) to detect if there are an update in you board. 

You should run the FRUSDR load utility each time you upgrade or replace the hardware in your server, excluding add-in boards, hard drives, and RAM. For example, if you replace an array of fans, you need to run the utility. It programs the sensors that need to be monitored for server management.

Your Dad,

Wednesday, August 8, 2018


Hello Kids,

There is something useful when playing with linux, yep awk command.

here some clue for playing with awk command

awk [option] '/patter/ {action}' [input file]

-F spesify field spearator default space     : awk -F: '{print $1}' /etc/passwd
/patter/ regex pattern                                 : awk -F: '/root/ {print $1}' /etc/passwd

Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Ansible Ad-Hoc Command

Hi Kids,

Ansible could play in two mechanism :
  1. using ad-hoc command, useful for simple command
  2. using playbook, more complicated
First you have to install it form here

Here is some clue to starting Ansible :

  • config host ini /etc/ansible/hosts or using -i inverntory.ini
  • ansible_user=root default using ssh user
  • ansible_ssh_common_args='-o StrictHostKeyChecking=no' for disable from known host
  • ansible_ssh_private_key_file: "/home/ansible/.ssh/id_rsa"
  • [group]
    • [group:children] include from above group
    • [group:vars] var for ansible

ansible -i inventory -m module -a "argument" 

ansible servers -m ping -i inventory.ini -b{ecome}

ansible all -m systemd -a "name=nginx state=started" -i inventory.ini -s

ansible loc -m yum -a "name=nginx state=present update_cache=true" -i inventory.ini -s
ansible loc -m yum -a "name=nginx state=absent" -i inventory.ini -b

Sunday, January 3, 2016

Another Trend of Human Race : Fitness Tracker

Hello Kids,

Another post for this year hurrah!!

In 2016 there is another fancy thing that everyone talk about, yep yep that is fitness tracker. Based on google play download, fitness application is the most popular download for 2015. Therefore all about fitness equipment is trendy for now. From running shoes, jacket, and off course fitness tracker.

I'm one of many people that caught in this phenomenon. I already buy ... (Ups your mama gonna hate me if I told you here).

For fitness tracker there are so many alternative, for now I want to tell you about vivofit 2.
Why I choose vivofit 2, because vivofit 2 is strong fitness tracker, you don't have to charge this thing, it is very important because my daily activity already had quite troublesome with charging phone. You just have to change this battery every 1-2 year (brochure told me that).

With this vivofit 2 you could track your walking step, running activity, sleep but not for swimming and heart monitoring. Actually for heart monitoring you could buy another garmin gadget that could be embedded to vivofit 2.

Here are some picture for vivofit 2 :

Also Vivofit 2 have application garmin application for sync. The app name is garmin connect. The application is easy to use and could synchronize to other application like nike run, endomondo, my fitness pal. But, I thing this vivofit 2 has inconsistent for running monitoring. Because, my pace is + 2 minutes if using vivofit 2 haha :p, and when I track the same route it doesn't return the same distance for 1 Kilometer. Overall vivofit 2 is a good health trend that you should buy if you have some additional money.

Vivofit 2 price is about 1.5 million on Dec 2015. Another tips is, there is button beside the main screen. This button used for initial pairing with phone, sync activity,  begin run, begin sleep etc. This is very very important because when I bought, I couldn't find it, the manual book doesn't told me about this button!! Happy running kids.

Your Dad,

Friday, January 1, 2016

2 January 2016

Hello Kids,

As you seen in this title, it's already 2016 Now!!
Time surely moving fast in this world.
Yep of course it is because of this world is "fana", fana is antonym from "abadi". So it is normal in this world everything changing so fast. Every changing could be good or bad from our perspective, but remember you have to make it  beautiful moment like this hadis.

عجبًا لأمرِ المؤمنِ . إن أمرَه كلَّه خيرٌ . وليس ذاك لأحدٍ إلا للمؤمنِ . إن أصابته سراءُ شكرَ . فكان خيرًا له . وإن أصابته ضراءُ صبر . فكان خيرًا له
Alangkah mengagumkan keadaan orang yang beriman, karena semua keadaannya (membawa) kebaikan (untuk dirinya), dan ini hanya ada pada seorang mukmin; jika dia mendapatkan kesenangan dia akan bersyukur, maka itu adalah kebaikan baginya, dan jika dia ditimpa kesusahan dia akan bersabar, maka itu adalah kebaikan baginya” HR Muslim.
So be ready for every change in this 2016!